Sunday night was so fun for me. I personally enjoyed it so much to have brother Dean Fugett with us to discuss the eternal WORD of God. It’s amazing to contemplate the incredible communication from God that we have in His written word. What a blessing it is that we live in a world that we can open the word of God at any given moment and receive from it the instruction, correction, and encouragement that we need from God. 

Just think about this: 

  1. The Word of God is living, powerful, piercing, and discerning – Hebrews 4:12
  2. The Word of God can save our souls – James 1:21
  3. The Word of God can produce spiritual growth – 1 Peter 1:23-2:3
  4. The Word of God can produce faith  Romans 10:17
  5. The Word of God equips us for every good work – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Word of God is available to you at any time and we have no excuse not to read and study it every day. Sadly, many of our brothers and sisters are biblically illiterate. If at best we are only read sections at a time feeding off of crumbs that happen to scroll in front of our eyes by happenstance. Even now, you might be reading this and not even turn to look up the passages I listed above. 

Brother Dean challenges me. I’m going to read and study the New Testament every month. Starting now. By September 9th I want to have read the entire New Testament. and then start over again the next day. Brother Fugett says if we will read for about 30 minutes a day we can do this. Does anyone else want to join me and read the incredible Word of God this month?

Challenge accepted!

I love you, 
