Jesus’s enemies have been demonstrating  how jealous they were of his popularity among the people. They believed the best way to get rid of Him was to trap Him in something He said or in something He did. So they conspired to bring a woman who, without a doubt, was guilty of sexual sin. She was caught in the act of adultery which was a sin that demanded death. If He lets her go, then they can accuse Him of not following the law of Moses. If He advocates for her to be put to death, he is going against the Roman laws that made it illegal for the Jews to put people to death.

But Jesus demonstrates His mercy in His wisdom (John 8:1-8) by asking which one among them was without sin? Well not me… I’m guilty. Maybe not of adultery, or any other embarrassing sexual sin but yes… I have sin and I embarrassed to call out the woman when I’ve got my own problems to deal with. So I guess we should show mercy because I need mercy too.

Then Jesus demonstrates how His mercy is found only in Him (John 8:9). He is the only one that can stay right there with us and help us deal with our sin while everyone else walks away. Christ is there with us as we struggle giving more and more mercy to us who don’t deserve it.

Finally, Jesus then demonstrates that His mercy is found in righteousness (John 8:10-11). Jesus’ mercy is available if we are willing to sin no more. The woman is told to go away and stop sinning. Here is the mercy you need but you have to stop committing adultery if you want righteousness. We have to give up our sinful life and concentrate on being righteous. Now you go and sin no more if you want continued mercy.

We all make mistakes and it is the mercy Jesus gives that can and should motivate us to live for Him in righteousness.

What sin are you caught in right now? Do you need mercy? Jesus wisely is able to provide it because it is only in Him. And when we give up the sin and go and sin no more His mercy continues in His righteousness.

What a blessing. Really we are all just like this woman… caught in the act and in need of mercy.

I love you,
