No other New Testament writer addresses the subject of the resurrection in more detail than that of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15. This passage reveals to us the details about Jesus’ resurrection and gives us a peek as to what our resurrection will be like as well. But before we talk about those two details, let’s refresh our minds on the context of the Corinthian letter. 

There were so many problems in the Corinthian church that were addressed in Paul’s words to them. Among these problems was the distorted view about death and immortality of the soul, which was highly influenced by Greek culture. The Greeks believed that after death, the soul left the body to be absorbed into the divine or would continue some shadowy existence in the underworld. Greeks believed that physical resurrection was impossible, which is why they had a hard time with the resurrection of Jesus (He was physically not in the tomb three days after his death and burial. Greeks who became Christians struggled to let go of those false beliefs and spread those ideas in the church. Therefore, Paul addressed this by giving more details about Jesus’ resurrection and also the eventual resurrection for all believers. 

In verses 1-11, Paul re-establishes the fact that without a doubt, Jesus’ physical body was resurrected from the grave. Paul says that this event was witnessed by numerous people still alive to retell their eye-witness accounts. Paul also re-establishes the fact that the resurrection of the dead body of Jesus is the foundation of what the gospel is all about. It is what was preached, what was received by others, what they stand upon, and by which they are saved. 

In the following several verses (12-19), Paul provides details about the resurrection of the dead body for all believers. He starts by addressing the doubt that was festering in the church at Corinth. Paul gives seven IFs that happen with one doubts the resurrection of the dead body

  1. If resurrection from the dead is impossible, then even Christ is not raised.
  2. If Christ is not raised, then all preaching is worthless because that’s the center of it all.
  3. If Christ is not raised, then our faith is for nothing because that is for what we hope. 
  4. If Christ is not raised, we are liars because we have proclaimed that God has indeed raised Him from the dead.
  5. If there is no resurrection, then we are all still guilty of sin and stand to be still condemned to hell because an un-risen Christ leaves us all without an atonement sacrifice for our sins.
  6. If Christ is not raised, we won’t be either, and we are without hope, just like the Greeks and anyone else who does not believe. 
  7. If Christ is still in the grave, we would feel sorry for people who follow Christ because they live their entire lives and basing all their hope on a false illusion. 

When people deny the resurrection of Christ is has terrible consequences for followers of Jesus. We expect scoffers and non-believers to deny the resurrection; they always have. But for those who call themselves Christians or disciples, to do so is foolish and dangerous.

In verses 20-28, Paul provides great encouragement for those who do believe in the resurrection of the dead body. Here is what we can bank on. 

  1. The kind of resurrection Jesus has is not the last one that will ever take place. Jesus’ resurrection was different than any other resurrection that has ever taken place. Jesus died, then was buried, then rose, never to die again. That has never happened but will happen again. Paul says, “But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep.” If Jesus is the firstfruits, this indicates that there will be a second fruit, and a third, fourth, fifth, and so on. Those other resurrected bodies are those of other believers who lived faithful and are awaiting the final coming of the Lord when He will call them out of the grave and give life once again to our bodies. This is the type of resurrection that we are to look forward to. Paul also offers details about how Adam brought about sin and death and how Jesus brought about salvation and life. 
  2. The procedures of the resurrection provide great hope for all believers. Here is how Paul describes the process. First, Christ was resurrected (verse 23a). Second, all believers will be resurrected when Jesus returns (verse 23b). Thirdly, the resurrection will be in conjunction with three other events. One, the destruction of the wicked (verses 24-25). Two, the destruction of death for both the evil and the just by the power of the resurrection (verse 26). Three, the reunification of mankind and God (verses 27-28).

In conclusion, Paul destroys all doubters by re-establishing the facts surrounding the resurrection of the dead body by telling us about Jesus’ resurrection and by giving us hope in our resurrection. Paul helps his readers to realize this is the most significant fact in the Christian faith because our hope for forgiveness, resurrection, and eternal lives are based upon it. Without the resurrection, Christianity is foolish. With the resurrection, we have assurance!

Assurance of our salvation!

Assurance of our hope!

Assurance that we will see Jesus!

Assurance that we will see our loved ones who’ve paved the way before us!

I love you,

Alex Mills

This article is dedicated to the memory of brother Bill Stewart. Still, more than anything, it is dedicated to the hope of seeing him again when this life is over and when we all can enjoy the resurrection of the dead BODY!