Well, here it is – the middle of January. The middle of the winter. Do you know what that means? That’s right. It’s time to start thinking about…gardening. I’m looking forward to what’s going to take place when the seasons change.

“What?” you may ask. “We still have a bunch of winter to go through before it’s gardening season. Its guaranteed to freeze some more, maybe even snow in the next month or two. Gardening can wait until the seasons change.”

I’ll admit, it is not the time to put plants in the ground. Tilling will not accomplish much. Nor will I be spreading fertilizer. But just because I can’t do these things doesn’t mean that I should be idle. There is still work to be done even out of season. Right now is the time for planning and preparation because the seasons will change.

I am already envisioning the garden that is to come this summer. And based on that vision, I am preparing appropriately. I am checking to make sure that I have the seeds that I need and that they are in good condition. Now is the time to have the soil tested to see how it is going to need to be amended for what I want to grow. What are the conditions of my garden tools and do they need repairing, replacing, or replenishing? It may be the middle of winter right now, but I want to be sure that I am fully prepared to make the most of it when the seasons change.

It seems inevitable that times come in my life where I feel like I’m not growing. I feel as dead as winter. But just because I feel stagnant doesn’t mean that I should be idle. Those are the times to continue to work, preparing for when things change. Am I continuing to study my Bible? Am I praying harder and deeper than ever? Have I asked God to replenish what feels depleted in me? I can’t sit around and wait for the seasons change.

You may still have several more months of winter. But may you prepare now for the seasons to change.