The truth is always best even when it hurts. I try to teach my children this principle in our lives as we raise them. I hope they know that when the truth is told it provides a sense of freedom. Freedom from emotional strain and freedom from always having to make sure everything is covered to protect what is false and the perception that everything is fine. Being known as one that always tells the truth is of GREAT value. 

Jesus says, “and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32). 

The goal of seeking sound doctrine is synonymous with seeking truth and with it comes great value for the Bible teacher, preacher, and student. 

True sound teaching is valuable because: 

  1. It is the foundation of our faith. Paul says, He delivered the gospel to the Corinthians and it was “of first importance” that he also received. The gospel being the fact that Jesus died, was buried, and was raised is the core of the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).  Change that and we have lost the value of our faith and strayed away from sound doctrine. 
  2. It dictates our actions. Paul provides a list of sins in 1 Timothy 9-10 and at the end of it he says, “and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching”.  The idea is that morality is taught in conjunction with what is sound teaching. If we leave what is sound then we leave morality. If we leave morality then we leave what is biblical. Therefore, we leave what God has ordained to be the path we follow. Staying on the path of sound doctrine helps us to do what is right in God’s sight. 
  3. It encourages faithful Christians. Paul describes the work of elders in his letter to Titus and teaches that one who serves in this capacity should be one who is “holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” While this puts an enormous amount of responsibility on elders to know the scriptures it should encourage all of is to study and know what is sound teaching. We should look for the book, chapter, and verse and be encouraged when we find it. Then share it with others to be encouraged too. The purpose is not to restrict nor to control people but instead to encourage others to stay on the right path of sound teaching. All of us need to study, learn, and apply what we read in the scriptures and not just rely on what we are told. Let’s be like the Bereans by “examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). 

A number of years ago I preached a sermon titled “How to Prevent Truth Decay”. I probably stole it from a more experienced preacher as I’m not sure I am that creative to come up with that catchy of a sermon title. However, in my personal life, I try hard to live according to the principles of sound biblical interpretation. I want to stay not the foundation of my faith. I want my actions to be in accordance with the Scriptures. I want to encourage others with teaching that is right in line with what God has outlined for us to do. I am committed to the values of sound teaching. How about you?

I love you, 
