There is nothing that stops Him and nothing that He depends on to get Him going. He has His own initiative that motivates Him to accomplish what He wills. Nothing is impossible for God. 

This power is demonstrated in the life of Jesus. From His conception to His death the power of God is revealed. Jesus was born of a virgin, turned water to wine, healed the sick, caused the blind to see, the lame to walk, and fed thousands with little food. He walked on water, was transfigured His appearance before His friends, and then was innocently arrested, killed, and buried only to be raised again after three days. 

How is this possible? There’s nothing my God cannot do. 

Matthew 19:26 – And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

If God can do these things in His Son Jesus then he can do these things in his son/daughter (insert your name here).

I love you, 
