It’s a rare thing to find people who are motivated. The world around us seems to be more and more demotivated to do anything. Remember the Veggie Tales song “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything”? 

Here’s the chorus: 

We are the pirates who don’t do anything,

We just stay at home and lie around,

And if you ask us to do anything,

We’ll just tell you we don’t do anything!

Too many times metaphorically speaking Christian sing this song as a way of life. 

We are the Christians who don’t do anything,

We just stay at home and lie around,

And if you ask us to do anything,

We’ll just tell you we don’t do anything!

The life of a Christian is one where we CANNOT just stay home and lie around. 

We have to DO… well, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that leads to a productive Christian life. 

People are too quick to reply “I couldn’t care less…” In our schools, government, families, and sadly our churches there is an infectious spirit of apathy. Most churches and their leaders are lowering our expectations to accommodate the unmotivated peopled this needs to change. 

Here are a few keys to being a motivated Christian who does anything and everything to serve the Lord and His Kingdom: 

  1. Give any task your best effort because it is a reflection on you and the Lord.
  2. Keep a positive list of spiritual goals you are always working on to reach. 
  3. Give yourself daily positive affirmations to motivate you to do your best and get to work. 
  4. Visualize the completed goal and how you will feel when you reach it. 
  5. Constantly improve your knowledge and skill level and don’t settle for the mediocre. 

Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

Colossians 3:17

I love you,

Alex Mills