On Sunday evening, we will all gather all over our community and surrounding areas in each other’s homes, and some will meet here at the building for our LIFEGroups. We have anticipated these meetings for a couple of months, and utilizing this ministry, WE have a renewed effort to GROW. A few weeks ago, we asked you to read through the book of Philippians at least once before LIFEGroups begin. We also asked you to read over the discussion questions that are intentionally designed to spur your thoughts about the text. The idea is that you study on your own and then gather together with your group to discuss what you have learned from the book of Philippians. We know that it is impossible to cover every detail from Philippians in one class. That is not what we want to do anyway. We want you to study on your own, with your family, with your spouse, or with a friend. Then, when you meet with your LIFEGroup, discuss a few highlights and points based on the questions provided.

If you have already read the book of Philippians in preparation for your LIFEGroup, then you might have noticed the positivity Paul expresses even when his situation is grim.  Here are a few application thoughts I have had after reading through it several times these past few weeks. 

  1. Though we all have much to be thankful for, the pace and the pressure of life often squeeze the joy from us. Our shoulders slumped, and our heads bowed, we find some days—or months—very difficult to get through. Desperate, we often search for joy in all kinds of ways—acquiring possessions, visiting places, or seeing people. But none of these can provide lasting joy. There is a greater joy that can be found only in Jesus Christ. 
  2. Paul knew, as did the Philippians, that true joy comes only through humble faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ, joining ourselves in harmony with His followers, and serving others in the name of Christ. This was the life experienced by the Philippian believers, and it is a life available to us today.
  3. We need to allow the joy we find in Christ to keep us from useless quarrels and divisions and to guide us into harmonious relationships with God and His people.

There is great positivity in this simple letter between the apostle Paul and a church full of joy! My prayer is that WE GROW in POSITIVITY through this study of Philippians. If you have not done so read the book of Philippians this weekend before your LIFEGroup meets. 

I love you,

~ Alex Mills



In the NEXT LIFEGroup meeting (Oct 1), we will study the first few chapters of James and see how WE can GROW in MATURITY.