Oh, I get it. I understand that Sunday evening rolls around, and you are knee-deep in a project, house cleaning, or playing with the kids. Getting cleaned up to come back up to the building is not very convenient. You might even be in such a deep Sunday afternoon nap that resurrecting out of your comfortable bed or favorite chair to freshen up and come to Sunday evening service is a hassle. 

Will you allow me to just say it plainly?


Don’t let being with other Christians studying the Scriptures, and making applications be something that hangs over your head. You have to change your mind about what you are doing. You must change your mindset about what the Elders have asked you to do. 

In their wisdom, the elders here at North Heights are asking you to make it a priority to come together again for encouragement, Bible Study, praise, and worship. What is the harm in that? On the contrary, I say that it’s good for us. Here are two reasons why: 

  1. We are busy, and pausing for a moment to worship God will bless you even more. Don’t you know that God can make your crops grow even more if you make worshiping God more important than your crops? Don’t you know that your family time with your kids will be even more blessed when you make worshiping God more important than a few extra minutes at the lake? Don’t you know your busy week ahead of you will be a blessed, busy week when you make worshiping God more important than your busy schedule? I believe that whatever we do, we do it for the Lord, and we make serving and worshipping Him the most important part of our lives. 
  2. Sunday evenings are a special time for our church family when we can dig deeper into the word and teach and preach a little more directly than we might do on a Sunday morning. Why, you ask? Because we know our audience. We know that on Sunday mornings, we have visitors who might be unchurched, uninterested, and unspiritual. We want to teach the truth and worship together, but we also know that it’s challenging to present lessons that are as deep as they will be on Sunday evenings. Sunday evenings are designed for people who want to grow even more in love with God and His word. Don’t get me wrong, anyone and everyone are invited; we just know our audience. We understand that those there on Sunday evenings really want to be there and diligently want to grow. We want everyone to be motivated to participate. 

Please come. We need Sunday evenings together!

I love you, 
