Sometimes Christians are faced with people in our world that don’t treat us in the way that we would hope to be treated. That is a fact of life. It hurts, it’s stressful and it makes us question so many things. 

We wish EVERYONE would just do what Jesus teaches in Matthew 7:12: 

In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

If EVERYONE would obey this one simple command our community and our dealings with others would be smooth sailing. But it’s not always going to be that way. People are going to do us wrong and we need to know what to do. 

Psalm 37 gives us some guidance. Read this entire Psalm on your own. But for now, I’ll provide a few highlights: 

  1. Do not fret because someone is doing evil.
  2. Don’t be envious. 
  3. Trust in the Lord. 
  4. Do good. 
  5. Find happiness in the Lord. 
  6. Commit your way to the Lord.
  7. Rest in the Lord. 
  8. Be patient for the Lord to work things out
  9. Don’t be angry. 
  10. Be humble. 
  11. Get away from evil and do more good. 
  12. Do the work of the Lord. 

Even if someone does you wrong you can control how you respond. Next time you feel that you’ve been taken advantage of, or hurt by someone turn to this Psalm and listen to the counsel of God. 

I love you, 
