A simple daily bread today, based on a famous expression…

“When all else fails…pray!”

I suspect we’ve all heard variations of that sentiment expressed over the years. God is always available and always ready to bend His ear to us and hear our pleas. This world is full of pitfalls, challenges, and often insurmountable odds, but there is nothing too big for God. When we fall in a pit, when we try our best and still fail an important task, and when we look around and see no conceivable way to escape the trouble we are in, there is still a God above, still a miracle maker nearby, and still a spiritual warrior who has never lost a battle. We may try and try and try, and we may fail and fail and fail, what do we do when all else fails? We pray.

On the other hand…

“When everything is succeeding…pray!”

I suspect that’s not a sentiment we hear as much as the other. While it’s true that this world is rife with challenges, it’s also true that God is a blesser. God is an encourager. God is a pleasant-sunshine giver and a needed-rainfall provider. Sometimes everything is just going your way. What a wonderful change of pace that is from the usual hardships of this world! What do we do when everything’s clicking, when everything falls into place, and when all the right doors seem to open before us? Do we pat ourselves on the back? Do we look around at the human help we were given along the way? We shouldn’t neglect to say thank you to those around us who helped us, but do you know who the most-thanked person is in the history of the Academy Awards? Steven Spielberg. “Mom and Dad” are in second place. Other directors like James Cameron, George Lucas, and Peter Jackson round out the top five. If you’re wondering…God comes in at number six. There is no greater symbol of achievement in that particular field than the Oscar. God is number six! When everything is succeeding…don’t forget to pray. Don’t forget to thank the one from whom all blessings flow.

On the other (other) hand…

“When it’s time to try…pray!”

Speaking of George Lucas, it was Yoda who famously said “do or do not…there is no try,” but that is stupid. That is wannabe zen-buddist-sounding nonsense. Of course there is “try.” Of course a person tries. “Trying” is what you call the attempt to achieve a goal. If you achieve it, you have “done” it. If you fail to achieve it, you have “not done” it. The journey to one of those two destinations is the meaning of the word “try.” I shouldn’t have to explain something so simple to a Jedi Master, but there you go. What do you do when you first set out to a task? What is the first thing you do after looking at a monumental challenge? I hope you pray. I hope you ask God for strength, wisdom, and help along the way. If you succeed, great: Pray and give thanks. If you fail, and fail, and fail again, then I hope you pray and ask God for clarity concerning His will. Maybe what you want isn’t what He wants. Maybe what you’re trying isn’t what He wants you doing.

Either way, in whatever situation you find yourself, the one commonality that links them all should be your readiness, willingness, and consistency in praying. When all else fails…pray. When everything is succeeding…pray. And when you first set out try try…pray.
