The title poses a question that someone might ask you. They might see the work put into the event, they might guess at the amount such a spectacle cost us, and they might wonder if that money and time could be better used somewhere else. I’ll resist the temptation to say “mind your own business” and instead answer the question. Why do we have a polar express event?

Because Jesus told us to.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

(Matthew 5:16)

We hosted over seven hundred people from the Batesville (and surrounding) area last night. We expect hundreds more tonight. A thousand people will enjoy the games, ride the ride, decorate the crafts, and take pictures with the fat man himself. But that’s not all: A thousand people will meet the loving members of the North Heights family. A thousand people will be given printed material about the Gospel. A thousand people will be invited to worship with us. A thousand people will see the light of Christ shining from the North Heights congregation. A thousand people will see our good works and will glorify our Father which is in Heaven.

That’s why we have a Polar Express event. The real question should be: Why don’t you?

~ Matthew