Don’t think I’m too presumptuous when I tell you your marriage needs prayers. All marriages need prayers. There is not a day that I don’t stop for just a moment and pray for my marriage. I’m not only praying for myself or for my wife, Kira. I am praying for our union. I am praying for our bond, our commitment. I believe that all society hangs on the foundational institution called marriage. It’s the oldest institution on planet earth and was designed and established by the same person who spoke stars into existence. The Almighty God that we serve today long ago created the heavens and the earth, and once he started the spinning of the earth’s rotation, He created man and woman and placed them in the Garden of Eden as husband and wife.

All things related to our society depend on the success of marriages. I may be so bold to say this and would undoubtedly be faced with opposition from society to say these things. Still, opposition or no opposition, society, government, schools, churches, and families all depend on the sanctity and stability of marriages. If we want a more stable society, we need more stable marriages. Marriage is the cornerstone and the common denominator if we want better governments, schools, churches, and families. That is why we must pray for marriages, and that is why I am praying for mine and yours.

There are deep and complex issues that come with marriages. Sometimes, communication breaks down. Sometimes anger, rudeness, or abuse taints your marriage. Sometimes saying you’re sorry does not come easy, nor does accepting your spouse’s apology. Sometimes depression and hostile emotions create tension. Sometimes children become more important to you than your spouse. Sometimes money (either you have it or you don’t) gets in the way of your relationship. Sometimes addictions or other harmful behaviors distract us. Occasionally sexual desire dwindles, and you have a roommate instead of a soulmate (terminology from Trey and Lea Morgan Stronger Marriage Workshops). Sometimes your spouse is no longer someone you flirt with and date. Sometimes infidelity shows its ugly face, and we are caught in the downward spiral of adultery and divorce. At times hope seems too far away. So many destructive behaviors, thoughts, and actions get in the way of having successful marriages.

You need to pray for your marriage.

You need to pray for my marriage.

We need to pray for all marriages.

Our community, churches, and families depend on it.

Imagine a world where every husband prays for his wife and every wife prays for her husband. While that does not make it invincible, it has to make it better.

Hebrews 13:4 – Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

I love you,
