My wife and I have a phrase that we tell our kids frequently: “Will it matter when you’re 80?” When one of the kids comes in saying that so-and-so took their favorite toy or was being mean to them, we usually ask them that question: Will it matter when your 80? It helps keep things in perspective (if an 8 and 11 year old can have a perspective). Will it matter when you’re 80 if someone took your favorite toy? No. Will it matter when you’re 80 if someone said something mean to you? The way you respond to your brother/sister and the relationship between the two of you will matter when you’re 80. So go practice being nice.

The same is true for us. Some of you may be 80 or above so we’ll push it to 120. Will it matter when you’re 120? Will it matter if someone treated you unfairly? Will it matter if someone had a different opinion than you? I hope not. But what I think will matter is the relationships you have cultivated, the love you shared with others, and your faithfulness to Christ. I dare say that those are the things that will be important then, which means those are the things that are important now.

Help keep your life in perspective. Ask yourself “Will this be important when I die?”