Several years ago, I played around as a youth minister. That’s in all youth minister job descriptions. Sure, I tried to mentor a few kids and make a difference in their lives by teaching the Bible and helping them make the application. Youth ministry is primarily about building long-lasting relationships and playing games, and having a good time helps tremendously in that effort. Some of those kids that I had the privilege of serving have turned out to be spectacular young people who are now raising kids of their own. (MIND BLOWN)

One of the games we would play was called “Would you rather?” It consists of asking questions about choosing between two very similar or very different hard-to-select scenarios. Here are a few examples: 

  • Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?
  • Would you rather have more time or more money?
  • Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
  • Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?

Now, let’s play the game with a Christian twist?

  • Would you rather be able to sing like the angels in heaven or preach like Paul?
  • Would you rather memorize the Old Testament Psalms or the New Testament Gospels?
  • Would you rather be able to witness the plagues of Egypt or the fall of Jericho?
  • Would you rather go on the ark with Noah or cross the Red Sea with the Israelites?
  • Would you rather have seen everything John saw in the book of Revelation or witnessed the establishment of the church on the Day of Pentecost?

Some of these are difficult to choose, while for me, some of these are no-brainers.

The apostle Paul had a “would you rather” question he wrestled with in Philippians chapter 1. Facing possible execution from the Roman government for preaching Christ, Paul wrestled with the choice of dying and being with Jesus or living and being able to continue to serve the church. Here are Paul’s words: 

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake.”

Philippians 1:21-24

Personally, in my life right now, I would rather keep living and serving the Lord and His church. But, I can see the benefit of dying and being with the Lord forever. Maybe when I am older and I see the end coming, I will feel different. I know of faithful Christians who come to the end of their life and feel that they would rather go to be with the Lord than to keep living on this earth. That’s understandable.

How about you? Would you rather???

If you choose “keep living” then are you living and serving the Lord and His church as you should?

If you choose “dying to be with the Lord” then are you ready and have you made the preparations to meet Him face to face?

Ask me how I can help you do whichever one you would rather do? I’ll be glad to help.

I love you,
