I’m studying the Psalms this year, which means you’re going to hear a lot of devos taken from the Bible’s great book of poetry. I came across this verse the other day, and it reminded me of a text we know very well from the New Testament…

 For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall. 

(Psalm 18:29)

 When God is your ally, there is no enemy too powerful for you. When God is your shield, there is no weapon too strong for you. We must remember, however: God is not on your side. You have to be on His. And when you are on God’s side, there is no force of man or nature that can break you. The most your enemy can do is kill you, but for the godly, death is an express-lane to Heavenly Bliss. You can’t lose!

David says that with God’s help, he can run through a “troop” (an army) or leap over a wall (scale a fortification). In other words, there is no enemy encampment he can’t conquer with God directing his steps. But here’s where people go astray: David’s words do not mean he can just do whatever he wants. On the contrary, David means he can do whatever God wants. That’s the humongous distinction that people miss when they misuse Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ,” Paul says, but the context is about being content in Christ. When I have contentment, the only things I’ll want to do will be whatever is in the will of God. It doesn’t mean I can do whatever I want; it means I can do whatever He wants.

You can do whatever God sets His mind to. What a thought!

~ Matthew